The proceedings of MIWAI 11 will be published in LNAI series.

Call For Papers

Artificial intelligence is a broad area of research. We encourage researchers to submit papers in the following areas but not limited to:
Agent-based simulation Agent-oriented software engineering
Agents and Web services Agent-based electronic commerce, auctions and markets
AI in video games Computer vision
Constraint satisfaction Data mining
Decision theory Distributed AI
E-Commerce and AI Game theory
Internet/WWW intelligence Industrial applications of AI
Intelligent tutoring Knowledge representation and reasoning
Machine learning Multiagent planning and learning
Multiagent systems and their applications     Multiagent systems and evolving intelligence
Natural language processing Neural networks
Planning and scheduling Robotics
Uncertainty in AI Web services

Submission requirements

Submissions of the following categories are invited:
Category A: Regular papers

Papers presenting new original work. Submitted papers should not exceed a length of 12 pages in the Springer format style (templates here: .tex.docx.doc ). Regular papers will be reviewed on overall quality and relevance. Reviewing of category A papers will be double-blind. In order to make blind reviewing possible, the authors should follow that:

  • The authors' names and institutions should not appear in the paper.
  • Unpublished work of the authors should not be cited.
  • Using "we" or "us" in reviews of literature should be avoided, e.g., "In [1] we have proposed..." should be changed to "In [1] the authors have proposed...".

The program committee will evaluate Category A papers as either "rejected" or "accepted as long paper" or "accepted as short paper". All accepted category A papers (long and short) will be fully published in the proceedings.

Category B: Demonstration and application
Proposals for demonstrations will be evaluated based on submitted demonstration summaries stating the following: the purpose of the system to be demonstrated, its user groups, the organization or project for which it is developed, the developers, and the technology used. In addition, the system requirements and the duration of the demo (not exceeding 30 minutes) should be mentioned. Especially master students are encouraged to submit papers presenting their applications and experiences. The maximum size of demonstration summaries is 2 pages (in English, templates here: .tex.docx.doc ). Reviewing of category B papers will be double-blind (see above under "category A" papers for details). The workshop proceedings will be published with ISBN number. At least one author of each accepted paper (in each submission category) is required to attend the workshop.

GOLD Sponsor
BRONZE Sponsor